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Meconian's rolling mill consultancy : We are group of cosulting engineering specializing in rolling mill related and other Electrical Engineering Solutions
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Who we are?

We are retired engineers from premier consultancy organisation "MECON Ltd" and worked in its Rolling Mill and Aux Equipment Division for 30-39 years or more and after retirement as free lancer since 2011

We were involved in turn key execution and as consultant for large rolling mill projects executed by MECON such as CRM-II (4 MT stage) and CRM-III (7 MT stage) of SAIL, Bokaro, Silicone Steel mill for SAIL Rourkela, Stainless Steel mill for Salem Steel Plant. Light and Medium Merchant Mill for Vizag, WRM-1 and WRM2 for RINL, Vizag. These Engineers were also involved with MECON designed, supplied and executed pride of nation : Second Launch Pad Project, for ISRO.

You are safe in our hands !

What we can do for you!

We offer Consultancy services in Electrical Engineering, User/ Client as well as for Rolling Mill Suppliers / Mill builders. You may specify the services you want us to include for you. The services in Electrical Engineering and consultancy are offered for Hot and Cold mills, Mini Mills, Aux equipment.

  • For Users we offer following Consultancy services
  • Technology and Process selection
  • Equipment Sizing and integration.
  • Preparation of RFQ (request for quotation)
  • Technical evaluation of tenders received from equipment suppliers
  • Preparation of technical contract documents.
  • Approval of supplier’s drawings /documents.
  • Detailed engineering.
  • For Mill builders/ supplier / sub-supplier we offer following services
  • Preparation of offer as per Tender Specification alongwith BOQ.
  • Preparation of contract specification.
  • SLD and motor list preparation, motor selection and calculations.
  • Basic engineering and Civil and Ventilation assignment for Client / Consultants.
  • Detailed engineering
  • Maximum demand, Cable Selection, Earthing and Illumination calculation.
  • Tech Assistance in order placement to sub-suppliers/ vendors.
  • Approval of sub-supplier’s drawings /documents.
  • Inspection.
  • Motor Power calculation & drive rating for Reels (CRM) Downcoilers (HSM) Rotating Shears


Because we are engineers who had worked for very long periods in MECON Ltd, a premier Consultancy organization and Rolling Mill OEM in Steel sector in India. We engineers have experience in total life cycle of Rolling Mills or other Similar projects. Because within few months of going online we have delivered services for projects in Middle East as well for SAIL. We have also worked with OEM’s from Europe. Because we not only can work for customers and undertake consultancy services, we can also provide services to OEM’s for making offers (as per customer TS/GCC), specifications, making estimates, suggest on equipment design and layout, sizing / powering of equipment and layouts. There are many more reasons to engage us for your projects.


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